
DMM Planets by Team Lab Exhibition in Tokyo


DMM Planets exhibition by Team Lab in Tokyo

A couple of weeks ago before going on my work trip I started hearing about this magical sounding exhibition happening in Tokyo, DMM Planets by Team Lab. People I follow in Instagram kept posting pictures and I knew I really wanted to check it out! As luck would have it, I was in Tokyo for work a few days before the exhibition ended.

I had heard that the line-up was LONG to get in and there would be a significant wait time, but I headed over to Odaiba after work one day to check it out. The line up was long, although not as bad as I had heard. I think I was lucky because I managed to arrive just before the night entry started. In the end, I waited for about 70 minutes to get in but it was so worth it. It was definitely one of the best exhibitions I have ever seen.

The exhibition was made up for four different rooms/zones and it started with a dark room with extremely soft, bean bag-like walls and floors. It was amazing! I basically fell into the room and sat there relaxing for a good 10 minutes. Next it was in to the room you've probably seen the most Instagram pictures of. It was filled floor to ceiling with lights, and the walls, floor and roof were mirrors. The lights changed colour and moved about with music that was mesmerising. Even though there were a lot of people there, it never seemed really crowded because of the way it was set out and presented.

Awkward selfie

DMM Planets exhibition by Team Lab in Tokyo

DMM Planets exhibition by Team Lab in Tokyo
This looks like it's upside down but it's just the mirrors

The next room was filled with a cloudy white water that had projections on it that kept changing. There were Koi carp swimming around (well, projections of koi carp) and apparently you could use your phone to change what was happening in the room (although I didn't realise this until after the exhibition). This was probably my least favourite of the four rooms, although it was still fantastic. 

DMM Planets exhibition by Team Lab in Tokyo
My legs
Although there were so many people, it didn't feel overwhelmingly crowded

DMM Planets exhibition by Team Lab in Tokyo
Spot the Koi

DMM Planets exhibition by Team Lab in Tokyo
Koi swimming
The final room, was a dome with flowers and petals being projected onto the roof. It was absolutely amazing, and I couldn't get photos to do it justice! Everyone was lying down on the floor looking at the roof and it felt like I was sinking into the room with flowers falling all over me. I think I was in this room for about 30 minutes and found it hard to leave.

flower petals projected onto the roof of a dome
All in all, this exhibition was absolutely amazing and i'm so glad I made the time to go and see it. It's not something I will forget anytime soon. The photos (and video) in this post really don't do it justice, but I really wanted to capture the memory on my blog somehow. If you ever get a chance to see an exhibition by Team Lab , I definitely recommend it!

What's the best exhibition you've ever been to?

Pin it for later:
DMM Planets x Team Lab in Tokyo is an amazing art installation open over the summer. It it definitely worth checking out other Team Lab exhibitions throughout the world

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  1. What an amazing exhibition! I've never been to a Team Lab exhibition but am looking them up right now to see if there's one near me in the future!

  2. very cool! I wish I was in mainland when this was on!

  3. This looks awesome! It actually really reminds me of the exhibition in Singapore at the Marina Bay Sands - the Future of the World exhibition. The room with all the light (where you took the awkward selfie :-p) - that especially is similar to the exhibition in Singapore. I wonder if it is the same team who put both together?

  4. I love all the cool and amazing things Tokyo always has to offer. This is a very unique exhibit and judging by the photos, it was totally worth the 70 minute wait time. I've never seen anything like it and the closest I've come to something like that is my friend's star projector in his dark basement. Lol

  5. Japan always knows how to do these kind of events right! And I love Odaiba too - such a great day out! This exhibition looks phenomenal - I can imagine it would take me hours to go through each room!! haha
