
Lotus Flowers in Shinobazu Pond - Ueno, Tokyo


Lotus flowers in Shinobazu Pond, Ueno, Tokyo - These beautiful flowers bloom in Summer (Late July - August) and are a must see!
Lotus flowers in Shinobazu Pond, Ueno Tokyo

Last week, I was up in Tokyo for just one night, picking my parents up to bring them down to Okinawa, and was lucky enough to be in Ueno during the lotus flower blooming at Shinobazu Pond.

I've been to Ueno many many times, but don't ever recall having seen the lotus flowers in bloom. A quick Google search tells me that these flowers bloom in Late July-August, so the timing was perfect for my quick trip there!

I waded my way through the crowds of people (most of whom were playing Pokemon Go - seriously!) to snap some photos of these beauties. If you've never been to Ueno, Shinobazu Pond is split into a few different ponds, one of which is huge and completely covered in the lotus plants as far as the eye can see. The lotus flowers themselves were HUGE, about 30cm across. Anyway, I took way too many photos!

If you happen to find yourself in Tokyo at this time, I really recommend a stop in Ueno to check out these flowers. You can also have a ride on one of the swan boats while you're there!

Lotus flowers in Shinobazu Pond, Ueno, Tokyo - These beautiful flowers bloom in Summer (Late July - August) and are a must see!

Lotus flowers in Shinobazu Pond, Ueno, Tokyo - These beautiful flowers bloom in Summer (Late July - August) and are a must see!

Turtles sunning themselves

So cute!

A great activity when in Tokyo, is to take a ride on the boats in Shinobazu Pond, Ueno
Paddle boats in Shinobazu Pond

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  1. Beautiful! They opened Pokemon Go up to Japan while we were in Hokkaido! I couldn't believe how much this game changed the atmosphere of the hikers around me!! Wade included!

    1. Yep! Literally everyone (including me!) was playing it! Craziness!

  2. Are these those kind of lotus plants whose root is used in Asian cooking? - or are these something different?

    1. I'm honestly not sure..... They look amazing though!

  3. How pretty! I had no idea they bloom so late in summer, will make sure to visit this weekend :) xoxo, nano | www.travelwithnanob.com

    1. You should definitely get there to check them out! They're HUGE and so pretty!

  4. They're so huge! And pretty of course. Would love to see them for real!

  5. Beautiful flowers and photos! They just realized Pokemon Go in Santiago and I'm so sick of everyone walking around like zombies haha .. Every time I'm running in the park I have to push my way through people who aren't even paying attention! Technology ... haha :D

    1. Yeah, it was CRAZY in Tokyo! There were even people in cars on the side of the road just sitting in there playing Pokemon Go!

  6. Ohh these are just beautiful! and those colourful paddle boats are pretty cool too! :)

  7. Wow, the size of those beauties! And how cute are the turtles?!

  8. So how many Pokestops / Pokegyms were there in Ueno Park?? Lol... I've never associated lotuses to Tokyo, guess I was never there in the right season. #WanderfulWednesday
