
Golden Week 2017 recap


Golden Week, that miraculous time of year in Japan where there are 5 national holidays over a week and everyone has time off work has been and gone! Our Golden Week was lovely. The last 2 years we have either had friends visiting or been away somewhere, and for our last Golden Week in Japan we decided to stay in Okinawa and finally start getting organised for the move home. This basically involved sorting, packing and more sorting and packing. Have I mentioned yet how moving house is one of my least favourite things in the world? Yeah, well it is, and an international move makes it even worse.

We found out that shipping our stuff back to Australia is basically the same cost as it would be to just replace everything when we get back, so we're posting only our treasured possessions home and need to sell all the rest. Anything we can't sell we'll need to somehow figure out how to get rid of....

The biggest stress and most expensive part of the move has to be the pets. Australia is crazy strict with the requirements to get the pets back and compared to the cost of sending pets back to the US, which everyone else seems to do here, it's about 4 times more expensive to Australia. Anyway, we knew what we were getting into and luckily prepared accordingly. We'll be starting the vet visits to meet the requirements this week! Here's hoping it all goes smoothly.

We did, however get to do some fun things during Golden Week. The first day we had our friend and her son over and made fresh pasta which was so delicious! It always seems like so much effort (which it is) but the payoff is so worth it!

The one good weather day, we wanted to drive up to Sesoko Island, but halfway there and stuck in extremely heavy traffic, we decided to give up and settled for a beach near Nago that was actually lovely!

The other great thing that happened Golden Week, is we finally fixed G's bike, took off the training wheels and within 10 minutes he had basically mastered it! Now he's a little speed demon on that thing! It's awesome!

We made homemade pasta!

Oh how I love the water here <3

No training wheels!

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  1. I love that Okinawa is like that where you can just find some random stop on the way to your destination and totally just enjoy the day. My wife and kids have done that soo many times and it's one of the reasons we just love Okinawa.
