
Happy New Year - Life lately


Happy New Year everyone!

Can you believe it's already 2017!? It's almost 2 years since I moved here to Okinawa.

I thought I would give a brief recap of our holiday season as it was definitely one I'll always remember. at the end of 2015 we went back to Australia for Christmas and New Years with family. It was a great but fairly exhausting trip. This (last) year), when my sister contacted me to say they wanted to come to Japan, we jumped at the chance for our first ever white Christmas, and it was so amazing!

Family selfie at the bottom of Tokyo Sky Tree

A few days before Christmas we flew up to Tokyo. Instead of focusing on presents for G this year, we decided to go with just one present from the mummies, as well as one experience! We dropped our luggage at our AirBnb and headed straight to Tokyo SkyTree.

Nozawa onsen on Christmas day 2016
Amazing snow on Christmas Day at Nozawa Onsen

The next day we hopped on the shinkansen (bullet train) and headed out to meet my sister, her husband and their kids at Nozawa Onsen in Nagano prefecture. We spent 3 days enjoying the snow before heading back to Tokyo for a couple of nights.

Kindle, sun lounge and the beach in Okinawa

We ended the holidays with 6 quiet and relaxing days back in Okinawa. It's actually the most time we have ever had off work in Okinawa, and it was so nice to read books, do some chores and sleep in before returning to work.

I can't wait to share in more detail about our amazing time in the snow over the coming weeks!

What did everyone else get up to over the holidays?

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