
2 Year Blogiversary!


2 years ago in a frenzy of organising visas, packing the house up and getting organised for our move to Okinawa, I started up this blog! I can't believe i've kept it up for 2 years.

I've gone from just posting random things and photos, and getting barely any views, to over 400 views a day and figuring out how to do nifty things like make graphics for Pinterest!

One of the best things, though to come out of this blog is meeting a lovely bunch of other Bloggers in Okinawa and helping others to discover a bit more about this random island I call home.

I also realise it's been ages since I did a "life lately" update. Basically, I can't believe it's already nearly the end of the year! I feel like this year has absolutely flown by! I'm still trying to finish all my posts about our Koyasan and Kyoto trip last month, and in one week we'll be heading to Tokyo and then Nozawa Onsen for our very first white Christmas, which is extremely exciting for this Australian family! We are also hoping to get to see the snow monkeys while we are there.

If you don't already, you can follow me on Instagram here and here, and like my page on Facebook. Thanks for reading!

Our little Christmas tree.
These guys :)

Guys! Have you seen these Hummingbird Hawk-Moths? I'm obsessed!

My neighbourhood

Apparently these are my 9 most liked photos on Instagram this year

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  1. Yay! Happy blogiversary! Mine just turned 1 year old a couple weeks ago! Continue to travel and write as much as you can and I wish you all the best for 2017!

  2. Hi Rach, so great to keep up to date with you and H so keep the blog posts coming! Happy new year - may 2017 bring you lots of love, laughter and learning :)
