Tuesday, 20 January 2015

おはよう Okinawa

After 3 flights and an hours drive, the little man and I arrived at our temporary accommodation in Onna-son Okinawa.

After meeting my relocation person and getting in the car for the drive here, I think it finally hit me that this wasn't just a holiday, it's a move!

We had a brief stop at the supermarket for essentials to get us through a couple of days, and some treats for the little man and we were finally settled in our 2 bedroom apartment on campus. 
The spice section of the supermarket made me happy about the ability to make comfort foods when we need! 

Our apartment doesn't have a tv (yikes), but has great internet, so Griff has been able to get his Peppa Pig fix no problem. He handled the long trip over here amazingly well, and only started to lose his cool as we were coming through customs in Naha airport.

Today we inspected two potential rental houses, one of which I LOVE and am really hoping we get approved for. It's across the road from the beach, and has a slide and swing on the giant balcony which Griff loved.

We should know tomorrow whether we get it. The upfront cash you need to rent a hide over here is extortionate compared to Melbourne. The monthly rent is comparable to Australia (if not a bit cheaper) but the outlay in the beginning is a bit shocking! 

Hopefully all going well, we'll be moving into our own place next week and living with the bare essentials until our furniture arrives in a month or so!

In the meantime, I guess I'll have to live with this view 

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