Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Visas, pets, organising!

I'm moving to Okinawa!

Through much luck (and I hope some skill) I've manage to land myself a sweet professional job in Japan, on the tropical island of Okinawa. Basically my dream! And i'm lucky enough to have such an amazing partner, that has agreed to make this huge life change with me, so we are packing up our 3 year old son, dog and cat and making the sea change to Okinawa!

At the moment it is all visas, organising the complicated process of getting the pets there as well as sorting through stuff.

I was lucky enough to be flown over for an interview, and during my brief 36 hours there got to glimpse my new town and Griffin's new daycare:

Because Okinawa is nothing like the rest of mainland Japan, (no trains, lots of space) we will need to buy a car, and will hopefully be able to rent a HOUSE (not box-sized apartment).

I know that this move will include unforseen stresses and actual full-time work for me, however i'm taking the challenge on with an open mind and a positive attitude and hoping to make the most of such an amazing opportunity (as well as eat my bodyweight in delicious Japanese food!).

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