
Spring in Melbourne plus some news!

Spring has arrived in Melbourne! I love this time of year! The air smells like jasmine and there are blossoms out everywhere! Also, daylight savings has started, so the afternoons are lovely and we'll be able to spend more time out in the park after work.

In some exciting news for us - we bought an apartment! We've spent years lusting over real estate and imagining what we could eventually buy, and now it's happened. It's a cute little apartment, not too far from where we're living now, but it's a little bigger and perfect for us! We can't wait to move in (which won't be until around May next year). Here's to life with a mortgage! Eep!

Otherwise, life back in Melbourne has been good. A bit of an adjustment for me, and work has been insane since I started, but i'll eventually get the hang of things (I hope) on that front. Life-wise though, we've loved being back close to friends and so much amazing food! Melbourne really is the best! 

Enjoy some lovely spring photos from the last few weeks!

Double rainbow over Brunswick East
Caught this double rainbow walking home the other day! It was so bright!
Melbourne Graffiti laneway
East Brunswick Laneway


Spring at the University of Melbourne
More blossoms! These ones at Melbourne Uni

Hot air balloons over melbourne
Hot air balloons and the city views on my morning walk

More Melbourne Uni

"puppy party" in our local park

Coffees with Ollie

Ollie and his buddies